Sao Legend

The main villain of Alicization - War of Underworld, Gabriel Miller (aka Subtilizer), is a complete psychopath, and the scenes involving him are unpleasant, to say the least. Episodes 1-14 is about 10,000 people who are trapped in a video game for two years because if they die in-game or try to escape, they will die in real life. SAO's Legend is a free-to-play browser-based MMORPG where players dive into the world of Aincrad as one of four Sword Art Online characters. Rise to meet challenges in various instanced dungeons to obtain rare gear and Girl Friends (pets). SAO's Legend is a browser-based MMORPG created by Raycreator Inc. Based on the popular anime series, players can venture through and enjoy several Sword Art Online events. Features: Classic Classes: Choose between one of four traditional MMORPG classes including Swordsman, Knight, Ranger and Priest. Main Site: wanted to show the daily routine and what I do. Also stop any early mistakes playing the game. This should start you of.

Sao Legend Wings
SAO’s Legend is a beautifully made MMORPG game based on the popular manga and anime series Sword Art Online. You, Asuna, Kirito, and hundreds of thousands of other players are trapped in the SAO VRMMORPG world of Aincrad, the flying castle. Can you make it to the 100th floor to escape this deadly virtual reality game? Find legendary weapons, befriend characters from the series, and capture animals and monsters as awesome mounts. Forge new alliances and fight all kinds of thrilling battles against your enemies. Have fun playing the exciting Anime MMO game Sword Art Online Legend!
First things first, I have played this game for over a month as both a payed and free player and everything I state herein is from my personal experience across multiple characters and is of my personal opinion, everyone is different and may not share the same opinions or experiences.

Sao Game
My review:
This is an extremely pay to win game. There are both pros and cons but unfortunately the cons far outnumber the pros. I hope this will help people make an informed decision wether or not to play this game.
Sao Legendary Weapons
To start with, the pros:
1. The game has plenty of events, from 10:00AM until 11:00PM are events every 30 minutes with a break in the middle of said time span to rest.
2. The game has many good features such as upgradeable wings, mounts, navigation pixies, girlfriends, divine weapons, gear and more.
3. Most of what can be bought in the cash shop can be gotten for free albeit much slower than if you pay cash.
Sao Legends Login
The cons:
1. As stated above, the game is extremely pay to win, if you have the money to spend you can pay your way to being the top player on a server and whoever pays the most wins.
2. There are items as well as features which can only be gotten by paying which give payed players an unfair advantage over free players and trow off the balance of the game.
3. The company that runs the game opens new servers far to quickly and older servers suffer massive loss of active players as many leave to said newer servers.
4. The games servers are unstable and plagued by sever lag at times though out the day, all day, every day.
5. The game has many errors and glitches, these range from small glitches in path finding to experience and game breaking errors.
6. The game support is slow, insulting and unhelpful, if something goes wrong expect to spend 5 days to 2 weeks trying to get it solved and even then you must provide screenshot proof of everything to get anything solved through said support and even then the so solve is very poor and unsatisfactory at best.
7. The player base with the rare exception is whiny, immature and takes everything personal.
8. The game is plagued by intrusive “pay to be better” hud mumbo jumbo which increases lag until you hide many of the hud elements.
9. The game is very competitive and you must pay to remain so, PvP is a main feature of the game and if you participate in it outside of the games main PVP event even if it’s in the PvP zones in other events and around the game world you will never hear the end of it from the other players.
10. And more.